Hello! It’s been so so long since I came on here. Life has just been so busy with the little one. I’ve been meaning to document a little bit of my pregnancy journey though – as a supportive reference for my soon-to-be-preggie friends and even to compare one day if we do have another baby.
How I find out I was pregnant?
So I felt a few symptoms before I actually decided to take a pregnancy test:
– feeling SO tired (I fell asleep during work which never happens)
– dizzy feeling whenever getting up or doing anything fast
– lost of appetite (this is CRAZY odd!)
– sore breasts
– late period
In the past I’ve had late periods before so it was not a big indicator for me. I had told Jon about the symptoms but had said we would wait another week before I take a test. On April 18th, I took the test and when it came out positive I was pretty shocked (but happy). We had been trying for a while and every time I’d take a test it would come out negative so this was the first time seeing the 2 lines (positive indicator). So apparently at this time I was already 7 weeks pregnant